Thursday 2 May 2013


Cover design
Cover design
This week was the peer assessment for this module, and a chance to share ideas and explain your work to your peers and gain valuable feedback. The work that I presented is shown above, unfortunately unfinished pieces of work which isn't ideal, but due to the time it has taken to create them and time commitments with other projects this is where I am at with this task.

The feedback was generally positive, although the team seemed keen that I went with the same approach, just hand-drawn. I can see their point, and love to create work by hand, especially illustration, and so I think I will try again by hand. I will keep the same linear style however, and keep the Tintin books as an inspiration. I think that the group found that the computer aided style that I had utilised wasn't best suited to the age group and genre that I am aiming for, and instead thought it would appeal to older children. I definitely take this on board, and it was something I should have considered more, and I will need to look at how similar titles aim their information at a younger audience.

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